Nothing says I love you...
Like a big fat melanoma. I am sickened right now by a show I'm seeing ads for on "E" Network. Sunset Tan...have you seen this? It's a show about a Hollywood Tanning Salon. I'm obviously biased and feel very strongly about this industry due to my career choice. But it's common knowledge how very dangerous tanning we have a show glorifying it in a time where instances of malignant melanoma is up 4%every year since the '70s.
But back to this show. The salon feature packages called the Lindsey Lohan, show the day Crazy Britney came to get tan, and show a mom bringing her child (couldn't be more than ten) to the tanning salon because she "needs to get tan for her school pictures". Apparently, she was "a little too pale" last year for her picture, and needs to go tanning. The salesman asks her if she'd like to look like Lindsey Lohan...because they sell her the "cocktail" of 12 minutes in the bed, then a spray tan on top. The package? $1300. They then show a "confidential" shot of the salesman saying "cha-ching" in regards to taking that mom for a ride.
He took her for a ride, alright. In a time where malignant melanomas is the biggest killer cancer of people ages 20 to 30 years old, in a time where it has been proven that the UVA rays of a bed are exponentially more damaging than those of natural sun (which is still very dangerous for you), this mother is bringing her CHILD in, on purpose, to go tanning. And look like Lindsey Lohan. I'm not sure which is more disturbing.
Now, if you go tanning and love it, bully for you. You are entitled to treat your body any way you like. You know the risks and you make your choices. This post isn't about judgement. It's all fact that's out there for anyone to read.
But as an esthetician, I just cringe when I hear about tanning. I have seen so many 40 year old women who look older than my mother does at near 60 due to nothing more than tanning. Women who are spending thousands of dollars to try and reverse the signs of aging and trying to fix dermal-level damage. I have a thirty year old friend fighting his second round of malignant melanoma, with a back full of keloids from the giant patches of excised skin. He's scared he's not going to see his son grow up, and yet this MOTHER takes her child to the tanning bed so she can look darker for a freaking school picture.
Nothing says I love you, apparently, than encouraging skin cancer and making your daughter's face look like a leather handbag before she's a grandmother.
For more information about melanoma, photos of what to look for in a skin check, and to see profiles of those whose lives were lost (some as young as 15), please take a look htthere.