So I take a dance class. Adult jazz and hiphop. I used to be a dancer, and thought with my new push for fitness, a dance class might be a fun way to get some cardio in. Going so well, in fact, that my teacher asked me to sub for the guy who teaches the Tuesday night class. It's been some time since I've taught, and didn't have anything prepared on short notice. Plus, I just don't feel right teaching these paying customers, when I myself am just starting up again after a long hiatus from classes. Betty told me no problem, but feel free to attend the Tuesday night class, since I need a makeup lesson from one I'll miss next week.
I get there early and start warming up. The other girls arrive (they are just about pubescent, so I'm thinking my class is the adults, and this one is the teen class). I am twice their age, easily, so they are looking to me to lead warmups. Betty told me the sub was running late, and asked if I'd do warmups. No problem. And it was fun. But then, THE SUB came in.
The SUB is a dancer in the Ballet Internationale. The SUB comes to us from Russia, where Ballerinas and Gymnasts are created and spit out into the wider world to kick Westerners' asses. An Old school, take no shit, balls to the walls Russian ballerina was Jacques, which I always thought was a boy name, but whatever.
The SUB walks in. She's probably the most beautiful human being I've ever seen. Tall,lithe, muscular, as big around as my thigh, but still with these amazing full boobs. Go figure. Long curly blonde hair pulled up into two buns clipped with sparkly buttflies, and green eyeliner done in the standard ballet style, into a cat eye.
She's lovely, I'm thinking. And quirky...hence the butterflies. But she means some business, this one.
She looks at me with the cat eyes and asks if *I* am teaching today. I assure her that I am not a teacher, just making up a class today, and Betty asked me to lead warmups. She asks "So did you warm 'zem up? "Ave you done zee floor work yet?"
Um, no. Eek. I didn't know there was supposed to *be* floor work.
So we sit on the floor, and Svetlana (as I have now renamed her) goes into some contortions that I haven't seen in real life. Ever. Imagine doing the Chinese splits, putting your left hand behind you and pushing your pelvis off the floor, while reaching back over your head with your right hand. Oh, and be graceful.
Then, the combination. I think the regular teacher told her "come sub for my class". What he didn't tell her was that the class would consist of an out of shape 31 year old, and four little girls between 11 and 14, whom have probably never taken a dance class before this one. It was like a Fantasia Dancing Hippo attempting pirouhettes in and around a bunch of newborn baby deer, trying to get to their feet.
I was really impressed I was getting it. A bit clumsy and couldn't do double pirouhettes, but I got it. And was trying to translate to the girls, who were seriously scared shitless. And was trying to make Svetlana feel as though SOMEONE was getting her and her artistic brilliance among all these amateurs.
Here is a snippet of what we heard for the next 45 minutes:
STEP FORWARD. You know, front, ya? TOWARDS THE MIRROR. Then RIGHT FOOT: Back-Side-Front. And prepare for a double turn...VHAT?? You have not done TURNS?? Hokay. So you do preparation:and Releve', and down. Then Tombe, pas de chat, and chene turn turn turn...and five six seven...GIRLS GIRLS need to move your BOH-DAYS. DO you not go to zeh disco? Do you not MOVE YOUR BOH-DAYS?
I am trying so hard not to laugh, as these little girls are trying not to crap their pants...not only do they not understand "Dancer Speak", but I don't think Svetlana enjoys speaking the English so much. She speaks like she, with abandon, and without regard for whom can follow her.
After the class ends, I am dripping. And sore. But elated that I'm Svetlana's favorite student.
I asked Betty if we could have her back, because I worked my ass off and got my money's worth. Plus, I can really move my BOH-DAY now.
Hold me back, baby.